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Why join us as fellow practitioners?

Notwithstanding the highest goal of “direct pointing at the moon by the finger” is “no moon and no finger” (no Buddha and no sentient beings), and the moon representing Chan (Zen) or self-nature is beyond explanation, but the finger for guiding Chan practitioners still needs to be fulfilled by languages and words. Therefore, A bright eyed Chan Master, who adepts at wise strategies, is still just like a finger pointing the moon. Practitioners should not mistake the finger for the moon. And do remember, all of you join us not for the finger but the moon. See the moon for yourself!

What is the true reality of life?

From the perspective of Chan, “enlightenment” is “awakening” and must also involve the letting go of the self-centeredness, liberation of discrimination and attachment, and the dissolving of all habits of ignorance. Chan Master Foyan Qingyuan (1067-1120) used to say: “deluded beings delude in enlightenment, and enlightened beings enlighten to delusion. Both delusion and enlightenment are of the same essence, and only enlightened beings are then purely aware of it.” Chan practitioners only need to live their daily life with ultimate pure awareness without abiding in the self-centeredness, at that very moment they directly see into the moon ─ the true reality of their life. Once you see the moon for yourself, forget the pointing finger!

When join us as fellow practitioners?

Time and tide wait for no one! Those wanting to see the moon for yourself, join us the sooner the better!

How to join us as fellow practitioners?